The average transactions per user globally is 0.14
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Average transactions per user statistics
In December, the transactions per user from Beauty & Personal Care was the highest, at 0.45 – this is a 10.53% drop from November. In general, over the past twelve months, Beauty & Personal Care has seen the highest units per transaction, at 0.42, and Luxury & Jewelry has seen the lowest, at 0.04.
Americas has witnessed the greatest number of transactions per user on average (0.16), followed by EMEA (0.14), and then APAC (0.09). And in terms of device type, desktop has been responsible for 0.23 of ATPU, with tablet representing 0.12, and 0.11 from mobile.
Major trends noticed:
Consumer Goods — rose by 19.35% in average transactions per user, from 0.28 in November to 0.34 in December.
Multi-Brand Retail — fell by 11.76% in average transactions per user, from 0.27 in November to 0.24 in December.
Beauty & Personal Care — fell by 10.53% in average transactions per user, from 0.5 in November to 0.45 in December.
Home & Furniture — fell by 22.22% in average transactions per user, from 0.15 in November to 0.12 in December.
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